Author Archives: Lindsey Bard

Work Can be a Pain in the Neck!

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) may not seem very serious when symptoms first appear. They can start with minor discomfort in the early stages with symptoms that go away after a break, or at night when you are not at work. But as you return to the same activity, the symptoms also return. Over time, symptoms increase in intensity and eventually the body does not recover, even after rest.

We Came, We Sponsored, We Judged!

Kim, Jody, and Les Rocking the Berkeley Springs Apple Butter Festival Beard & Mustache Contest! Apple Butter, Beards & Shenanigans! Arts, crafts, food, music, games, entertainment, and fun were in ample supply, October 6-8 in Berkeley Springs for the 48th annual Apple Butter Festival. Mellott sponsored and judged the Beard and Mustache Contest, and we […]