Kim, Jody, and Les Rocking the Berkeley Springs Apple Butter Festival Beard & Mustache Contest!
Apple Butter, Beards & Shenanigans!
Arts, crafts, food, music, games, entertainment, and fun were in ample supply, October 6-8 in Berkeley Springs for the 48th annual Apple Butter Festival. Mellott sponsored and judged the Beard and Mustache Contest, and we had a blast! Jody, Human Resources Administrator, Les, Training Manager, and Kim, Digital Marketing Specialist, took their facial hair expertise to Berkeley Springs and agonized long and hard to choose the following winners:
Length: Oger Lewis, Frostburg, MD
Best Groomed: Tom Reynolds, Glen Arm, MD
Softest: Marley Notions, Poquoson, VA
Most Original, Tim Newton, Berkeley Springs, WV
Most Outrageous: Dennis Teegardin, Berkeley Springs, WV
Best Overall: Matt Notions, Poquoson, VA
Best Effort: Liberty BonJour, Berkeley Springs, WV
The event was a huge success, and the crowd was vast and ready to have some fun, and fun we had.
Community Matters to Mellott
When asked why Mellott chose to sponsor the event, Kim Summers said, “Mellott cares about our local communities, and we want to educate people about what we do, and answer that age old question; what is that stuff off Interstate 70 near Hancock, MD, that looks like transformers? Sponsoring and being involved with events like this help us do that and also get to know the people that make up this fantastic area.”
Congratulations to the winners and all the participants for making the event such a huge success.