U.S. Representative Shuster Visits Mellott

headshot of U.S. Rep. Shuster

Paul Mellott Looks on while Rep. Shuster talks to local students.

Bill Shuster, U.S. Representative (R-PA, 9th District), visited Mellott on the Monday before primary election day. Shuster spoke to a packed hall where the audience consisted of company employees and high school students from Southern Fulton High School.

Shuster talked about several federal issues that have effect on the local level, such as infrastructure solvency, Affordable Care Act, and the importance of getting the economy going. He fielded several questions from the audience and he urged all in the assembly to vote in every election. He stressed the importance of good stewards of tax funds and avoid deficit spending.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Shuster posed for pictures with several students and the teacher chaperoning them.