Metso HP-Omnicone-Symons Training

Safety is always #1
Safety is Mellott’s number one value, and right along with that, another top priority is training. Knowing is half the battle and knowledge is power when it comes to safety in the workplace. Mark Kennedy, Metso’s Training Consultant, came to Mellott to train over 40 of Mellott’s clients on the Metso Omnicone, Symons, and HP rock crushers. “The pleasure was all mine,” said Mark Kennedy, “I really enjoyed conducting the training. I received lots of positive feedback from the attendees.”

Education and training are key to on-the-job safety.
Mellott’s training is headed up by Les Morris, Training Manager, and he discussed all the advantages of training and education, “Hosting a Metso cone class for our customers is an outstanding opportunity for our customers and the Mellott organization. Our customers can learn from one of the best instructors in the aggregate industry. Mark Kennedy is a highly skilled instructor and he’s able to convey advanced material to the knowledge level of all participants in the course. Feedback from participants is always very positive and we couldn’t be happier to have Mark leading a training course for our customers. Another benefit of hosting the training at our facility is the opportunity for our customers to see the full capabilities of the Mellott organization. Seeing our facilities in person and meeting members of our on-campus team, we are able strengthen our relationship with each of our participants and their organizations.”

There is no harm in hoping for the best if you’re prepared for the worst. – Steven King
Preparation is rule number one when it comes to safety, and the best way to be prepared is through training and education. Mellott has been putting a new focus on expanding our training to not only our employees, but to our customers. Mellott offers opportunities to attend courses onsite here in Warfordsburg, PA, or we can bring the training to your neck of the woods.

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