The Ultimate Guide to Washing and Classifying Equipment

Fines Material Screw washer

Washing is a critical process in aggregate and mining operations, ensuring the production of high-quality materials. Choosing the right washing and classifying equipment improves efficiency, reduces waste, and enhances profitability. At Mellott, we proudly distribute McLanahan wash equipment, providing industry-leading solutions for a variety of sand washing needs. In this guide, we’ll explore different types of sand washing plants and their unique benefits.

Types of Wash Equipment

1. Coarse Material Washers

  • Coarse material washers are designed to remove clay, silt, and other lightweight contaminants from aggregate materials. These machines are ideal for washing larger-sized aggregates before furtherFines Material Screw Washer processing.Benefits:
  • Removes dirt and unwanted fines
  • Prepares material for further classification
  • Handles high tonnages efficiently

2. Log Washers

Log washers use paddles to break down tough clay conglomerates and remove coatings from rock materials. These are especially useful for heavily contaminated materials.Benefits:

  • Effectively scrubs tough deposits
  • Produces cleaner, high-value materials
  • Suitable for heavily contaminated aggregates

3. Fine Material Screw Washers

  • Fine material screw washers help dewater and classify sand by separating fine particles from coarse materials, ensuring a consistent end product.Benefits:
  • Improves sand gradation and quality
  • Reduces moisture content for quicker stockpiling
  • Efficient removal of silt and clay

4. Hydrocyclone-Based Plants (Sand Classifying Tanks & Ultra-Fines Recovery Systems)

  • Hydrocyclones and sand classifying tanks use water-based separation to remove fines while capturing reusable sand. Ultra-fines recovery (UFR) systems help reclaim valuable material lost inMcLanahan classifying tank wastewater.Benefits:
  • Maximizes fines recovery
  • Reduces water consumption
  • Enhances sand product consistency

5. Modular Wash Plants

Modular wash plants, such as McLanahan’s UltraWASH, offer a complete, plug-and-play solution with integrated components. These customizable systems are suitable for operations looking for flexible and scalable wash solutions.


  • Quick installation and start-up
  • Customizable configurations
  • Reduced footprint and water usage

Why Choose McLanahan Wash Equipment Through Mellott?

As an authorized distributor of McLanahan washing solutions, Mellott provides best-in-class sand washing systems designed for efficiency and durability. Our expertise in equipment selection, maintenance support, and tailored solutions ensures maximum operational efficiency for your business.

Key Advantages of Partnering With Mellott:

  • Expert Guidance: Our team helps identify the ideal wash plant for your needs per your unique application.
  • Quality Equipment: McLanahan products are engineered for reliability and performance.
  • Comprehensive Support: From installation to maintenance, we provide full-service support.

If you’re looking to enhance your sand washing operations, contact Mellott today to learn more about our McLanahan wash plant solutions! Contact us Here!