Martha’s House is a Rocking opportunity for the local community!
Mellott had the rocktastic opportunity to sponsor a Pet Rock Painting event at Martha’s House. Martha’s House is the newest project of the ISC – Interfaith Service Coalition, that opened in Hancock, MD, in April 2019. The main floor is a large open 2,400+ square foot area that houses a commercial kitchen, dining area, and activity room. The second level houses four apartments which offer below the market rate for monthly rent. They are helping the working-class individuals in the area secure affordable housing while receiving rent that will be used to cover the operating expenses for their projects.
What a great time for everyone
Deborah Cohill, Executive Director for the Interfaith Service Coalition, expressed her happiness with how well the event went, “Interfaith is delighted to have MELLOTT as our newest community partner at Martha’s House. The rock painting event was a huge success and the first of many wonderful community collaborations we plan to have in the future!”
The kids are alright!
The kids had a blast creating their Pet Rocks, and Mellott was in awe of what a fantastic organization Martha’s House is. Molly Deneen, Talent Acquisition Specialist for Mellott had this to say about hanging out and painting rock with the kids at Martha’s House, “It was such a blessing to have Mellott host at Martha’s House. It is never too early to create a presence with the youth of our community and give awareness and information to potential present job candidates. Ultimately, it was just rewarding to see the crowd and everyone having a wonderful time together”.